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hey this is cool and also can you add the color orange, cyan or purple ?

also how to remove it  after i used it ?


how do you change colors

suses amunges




it is verry nice

This is so cute! is there a blue one? Also is this a safe program to download? I just experienced the horror of trying to download shimegis

you can get shimegis on google store on extensions


what? shimegis is a virus?

I didn't get any virus idk what you downloaded


but i downloaded from the website of shimeji-ee

this was cool enough you deserved an extra few bucks ^^. lemme know if you do a cyan i will totally tip!


I love this! The only thing I would change is to have an option to change the color of the crewmate.

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Im making a blue one. I will send you it once im done!

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Its gonna say yellow tho (bc it yellow from someone else)


Read this i dare you




Wow cool your reading this.

Fine, you win


I win....


you won


Can i Have pink among us pet

I've done this before

oh right

It does not have sounds

Is this gonna be supported on Apple and Mac

sounds needed



it cant move between screens

hey how can i delete this :( i need help

(1 edit)

try using the task manager then delete the process

is there another way?

cause im just dumb

ctrl + alt + del for task manager

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No ctrl shift Esc

(1 edit)

hey dude will this support apple yet

can I have a sky blue crewmate?

hey might want to comment under ggrrtg's comment for them to get notified :)

thank you @itsNemo! It’s my first time requesting for something online haha.... sorry about that.... anyways, thanks again!

(1 edit) (+1)

guys i can make you colours just comment under my comment tell me witch color and i will send you its actually really easy its just like editing among us textures, but just comment witch color and send me maybe your discord server and i will DM you

hhahaha thanks for doing this! 

no worries :)

Are you still helping people change the color of their crewmate?

Can you help me too?


Can I have a yellow crewmate?

Deleted 2 years ago

Dark blue

Can I have white? are you just going to reply and send me a link to it? I dont need to pay for anything right?

lol no need to pay ofc its easy to do

Could I have a black crewmate?

can i have a lime green crewmate

lime (question: does it need to pay? lol) my discord usarname and tag: akmost#8367

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

can i have dark blue

I dare you to make rainbow crewmate

done that before

Hello! I doubt that you will see this, but it's worth a try. If you could make a Cyan, Lime and Black Crewmate, that would be great! If you already have made them, I think you might just be able to send the ones you made already.
Discord: The Cheese is mine.#7375

(1 edit)

here is the discord everyone just head to the( #amongus-colors) channel and ill give every single one the color he wants RAINBOW is availble too

 my discord: The Big Man#3352

discord invite (might expire) :

new inv plz?

can you make it so we can change the color and add outfi?

u dont have to just somthing to do.

i want taht

Can you let this support Mac and Apple Computers? Because i have no Windows computers

I would really like that too, I'll need to set aside sometime to look into the technical aspects haven't quite figured it out. 

Ok. I'll be glad if you decided to add it on Mac.

Deleted 4 years ago

It's pretty cool! But there's basically nothing to do but him just wandering and click him then he dies, that's all I wish there were more features like the desktop goose.

On my spare time i'll try to add a few more interactive features :) 

Thank you!

This is so cute, thank you for creating it :)

Thank you for the kind words :)

I think they are very cute! :> I think later you could have them do little tasks and such. like jumping in folders and running around.

It also would be cool if they could open a little hatch in the desktop and "vent" or do wires


oh oh jumping into folders is a brilliant idea! hahaha imagine clicking on a folder only to find a dead crewmate

i cant play

hey, what seems to be the problem?

my computer said this was a virus

Mine too

Is this regarding the exe? It maybe a false positive as the installer hasn't been verified.

Please try the zip file instead.

i'll  try again

nop i dowloaded the exe file and it super good i didint say it was a virus so i guess it your cmputer mine is windows 10


I love him so much he's a good friend! I'd love to change the color of him though and I'd love to be able to put him on a different monitor than my main one!

is this based off desktop goose?

It's a remix of my previous project homeless pigeon and among us

oh cool

also can u make this for mac?

this is great. it would cool if you could change the colors and skip the screen that comes up when you boot it up

How do you have more than one color at once?

so uh how do i get rid of them if i want to?


Hey, you'll have to right click on the application. 

I'll implement a better way to exit the game!

Love my little friend :) 


anything smoll i love :)


Glad you like the crewmate!

Finally something to help me do tasks on my computer...
Deleted 3 years ago

i think  its interesting and pretty fun

Can you provide the game without an installer? Just a zip please

Ohh interesting, I'll look into this. I understand your concerns and will re-upload a zip file for you shortly :)

Hey I've uploaded a new build/zip file.

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